onsdag 8. februar 2012

From kindergarden to castration of bulls

Yesterday morning I went to visit the local kindergarden, which is built as part of the project which Fagforbundet has in Monte Cristo. When I arrived all the children looked really dirty, though it is not really their fault because there is dust everywhere. Red dust which clings to everything. The roads here arent covered with tarmack. So whenever a car or bike or even when walking the dust goes everywhere. In the evening you can feel how the dust have covered up your hair and everything. It even looks like you have gotten much darker skin than you really have. Anyway the children loved having a visitor coming all the way from Norway to look at them work with their little notebooks, and afterwards playing. During playtime they were crawling all over me. I had brought a bottle of water which had been in the freezer. So when I arrived there were still some ice inside the bottle. Hah, the kids wanted to steal my bottle. And they actually managed to run off with it as well. 6 kids where hanging on to the bottle for their dear life. When they finally came back with the bottle, I let them feel the cold on their faces. They just loved that. After a few hours I was getting pretty tired being there so I decided I would leave to go to rest for a little. They all came running grabbing my legs so I couldnt walk anywhere. Almost made me loose my balance and falling over.


Today in the morning I was invited to come see how they castrate the bulls. There were proper cowboys riding around on their horses with lassos! The bulls were young so they had not yet gained their massive size yet, but it still takes two cowboys to topple a bull. Basicly one get a lasso around the neck of the bull, then the other one puts the lasso infront of the two legs at the back and have the bull walk into the second lasso. As soon as the lass is closed around the back feet they make the bull fall over. They then vaccinate the bulls, sterilizing the area before cutting the skin open to take out the testicles. They probable had around 200 bulls which they had to castrate this morning. When they finish they all gather up for a big lunch where they eat the testicles.

We had to leave early because we were going to attend a meeting before lunch. As I was invited off to another place to eat lunch, I didnt have to come back  to eat testicles. As I understood it, they eat them raw in ceviche. Not my cup of tea. Picures will follow when I get back to civilazation.

Tomorrow we are going to the beach. I am looking forward to that.

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