lørdag 4. februar 2012

Missing luggage and the capital

Yesterday was surreal. For some reason I was not ready for traveling. Like it is not happening to me. I was sitting at a café at Schiphol on my way to Guatemala. It was hard to believe when I woke up this morning.

Talked to a guy at the plane yesterday from Ukraine, on the last stretch from Panama to Guatemala. He said that our luggage wasn’t gonna make it. I just laughed it off. When we arrived our luggage was not there. They don’t even know where in the system my bag is. How fun. I will have to call back to the airline later today to see if they have found my baggage yet. At least my insurance company is covering up some of the expenses. The worst thing about it is that the same thing happened when I was here last time. 


Several days later my luggage finally arrived. What a treat to finally get clean clothes. Walking around in the same dirty clothes you traveled in for over 20 hours is deffinitly not recommended. Of course there was several things one could have done to avoid such misfortune. For one always carry an extra shift of clothing in your hand luggage. Second of all make sure the luggage is marked with YOUR name and  destination. It is really handy when the luggage tag mysteriously dissapears from the bag. 

After a short week in the capital visiting various fast food restaurants I finally set off to Reu. The difference between the capital during day time and night time is major. During the day the city is buzzeling with life. Vibrant and alive, and as soon as the sun sets the city appears to be a ghost town. Everyone locked up in their houses behind barred windows. Not so much to keep people inside as to keep unwanted visitors out. Everywhere where you look in Guatemala the windows are covered with those metal bars. Their houses painted with pepsi, claro, tigo or other big companies. A free coat of paint in trade for your house as a billboard space. It is Guatemala alright.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Quite interesting! Especially you and the Ukraine man predicting this! I'll copy this to my family when we talk tonight and let them know, as it'd be pretty cool to have them have a read as to what is happening!

  2. Right, had chance to re-read this. What I was wondering is:

    - Did you work out where the guy from the Ukraine was going to in the end, and why? I remember having flights to the USA and back where you sit for 8 hours next to someone and talk a hell of a lot!
    - A week visiting fast food places? It reminds me of something I keep hearing about on facebook about chicken "parmos" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parmo ) which has to be one of the most unhealthy foods possible. Hopefully not that bad !:)?

    And lastly reading about the houses at night and the amount of advertising, I suppose I shouldn't form much of an opinion until I see it, but I can't imagine a bunch of adverts on your house would look great - though as you say, at least its a fresh coat of paint.

    1. The guy works as an officer on a cargoship. Spending 3 months on and 3 months off. The ship going between Mexico and Panama, if I dont remember it wrong.
